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'Dogs Understand and Love: Signs, Feelings, and Their Influence on Us'

Posted by XXOO Pets Family on

Dogs are not just pets; they are our best friends, loyal companions, and often a reflection of our own personality. In this article, we will explore various aspects of life with dogs: How do dogs show affection? How do they express well-being? And how can they help us become better people? We will also take a look at what dogs communicate, who struggles with them, and where they are allowed to go.

Signs that dogs like someone

Dogs are extremely social animals that express their affection in various ways. Here are some typical signs that a dog likes you:

  1. Tail wagging: A relaxed, wagging tail signals joy and affection.
  2. Cuddling: When a dog leans against you or wants to stay close to you, it shows trust and security.
  3. Eye contact: Dogs that look directly into your eyes without appearing aggressive build a strong emotional connection with you.
  4. Joyful Greeting: Whether you were gone for a short while or have had a long day, dogs show their joy at reuniting with jumps, tail wagging, or barking.
  5. Playing: When a dog brings you a toy or invites you to play, it shows that he feels comfortable and wants to spend time with you.

Signs that dogs feel comfortable

A happy and relaxed dog is easy to recognize. These signals show that a dog feels comfortable:

  1. Relaxed body posture: When a dog has no tense muscles and is lying or sitting loosely, it feels safe.
  2. Curiosity: A satisfied dog explores its surroundings with joy and interest.
  3. Calm Breathing: Dogs that are relaxed breathe calmly and evenly. If they are not panting from heat or stress, that is a good sign.
  4. Playing and Romping: Dogs that feel comfortable are often playful and energetic.
  5. Yawning or stretching: Both are signs of relaxation and well-being.

Why Dogs Make Us Better People

Dogs have the remarkable ability to positively influence our lives in many ways. Here are some reasons why dogs make us better people:

  1. Promotion of Empathy: Dogs teach us to respond to the needs of another being and to pay attention to nonverbal communication.
  2. Improved social contacts: Dogs are often conversation starters and help to meet new people, whether in the park or in the neighborhood.
  3. Reduction of stress: Scientific studies show that dogs can lower stress levels through their presence. Petting a dog can have a calming effect and reduce blood pressure.
  4. Sense of Responsibility: Caring for a dog demands and fosters a sense of responsibility and regularity in daily life.
  5. Emotional Support: Dogs sense our mood and often comfort us in difficult times. They are patient listeners and provide unconditional love.

What dogs give off

Dogs have a diverse way of communicating – whether through sounds, body language, or scents. Here is an overview:

  1. Barking: Dogs bark to get attention, to warn, to express their joy, or to communicate.
  2. Growling: A clear warning signal that the dog feels uncomfortable or perceives a threat.
  3. Caging or Whining: Often a sign of discomfort, fear, or a desire for attention.
  4. Tail wagging: While it is often associated with joy, the meaning of tail wagging depends on the speed and height of the tail.
  5. Body language: Ears, eyes, tail, and posture tell a lot about a dog's emotional state.

Who doesn't like dogs

"Not every person is a dog fan, and that's okay. Reasons for this can be:"

  1. Bad experiences: An early negative incident with a dog can lead to fear or aversion.
  2. Allergies: Some people avoid dogs because they are allergic to dog hair.
  3. Cultural or religious backgrounds: In some cultures, dogs are considered impure or are not kept as pets for other reasons.
  4. Personal preferences: Some people prefer other pets or can hardly deal with the energy of a dog.

Where are dogs allowed to go?

The question of where dogs are welcome often depends on local laws and the rules of the respective places. Here are some examples:

  1. Parks and green spaces: Many parks allow dogs, often even off-leash, if there are designated dog areas.
  2. Restaurants and Cafés: In many dog-friendly restaurants, dogs are allowed to be brought at least in the outdoor area.
  3. Public Transport: In many countries, dogs are allowed to travel on trains, buses, or subways, often with a muzzle requirement or special ticket.
  4. Hotels: There are numerous pet-friendly accommodations that welcome dogs.
  5. Beaches: Some beaches are specifically designated for dogs, while in other places, leashes are required.
  6. Stores: Some retail stores, especially in big cities, allow dogs to be brought in.


Dogs are much more than pets – they are an essential part of our lives. They show us affection, help us become better people, and enrich our everyday life with their unconditional love. Whether you inform yourself about their signals and needs or think about where you can take them – understanding dogs is the key to a long, harmonious relationship.

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