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Why a scratching post is essential in winter – Tips for selection, care, and use

Posted by XXOO Pets Family on

1. Why a scratching post is important in winter

  • Less outdoor time for the cat: In winter, many cats spend significantly more time indoors as they are less inclined to go outside due to the cold weather. A scratching post becomes more important to meet their exercise and scratching needs.
  • Physical and mental stimulation: When cats spend more time indoors, they need additional opportunities to stay active and engaged. A scratching post provides a perfect combination of physical activity and mental challenge.
  • Protection of Furniture: Cats tend to claim furniture or other furnishings more in winter, as they spend more time indoors. A scratching post redirects this energy to an appropriate surface, thus preserving the furniture.
  • Warm retreat for coziness: Many scratching posts offer integrated cuddle spots and caves that are perfect for the cold season and provide the cat with a warm and cozy retreat.

2. Which scratching posts do cats prefer in winter

  • Scratching posts with soft, insulating material: Cats like it warm and cozy in winter. Scratching posts covered with fluffy, insulating materials like plush are particularly pleasant for them. Cats feel safe and comfortable on them.
  • Cat trees with baskets and stored cushions: Cats love to snuggle up in baskets, especially when there is a soft cushion inside. These baskets provide a cozy and warm hideaway, perfect for the cold season.
  • Resting areas and caves for retreat options: Many cats enjoy elevated resting areas or caves that give them a sense of security and provide a perfect view.
  • Large and stable models: Since cats tend to use the scratching post more often in winter, a stable scratching post is important. XXL models are particularly popular as they provide enough space and stimulate active play.
  • Play and scratch options for engagement: Accessories like plush balls or small stuffed animals provide interactive opportunities and keep cats active and balanced indoors.
Kratzbaum xxl

3. What to consider when buying a scratching post for winter

  • Quality and Craftsmanship: Especially in winter, the scratching post is used more intensively. Pay attention to high-quality craftsmanship so that the scratching post is durable and can withstand daily stresses.
  • Stability: A stable base is important, especially with large scratching posts. Cats want to feel secure and be able to play without the post wobbling or being unstable.
  • Insulated and soft materials: Materials such as vegan plush covers or other insulating fabrics keep the scratching post pleasantly warm. It is advisable to choose models that can be easily cleaned, as plush needs to be cleaned more often with heavier use.
  • Multiple levels and retreat options: A cat tree with multiple levels, caves, and resting areas offers plenty of variety and choices. Cats love to retreat at different heights or observe their surroundings from a different perspective.

4. Tips for Cleaning and Caring for the Scratching Post in Winter

  • Regular removal of cat hair: Hair can be easily removed with a lint roller or a handheld vacuum cleaner. Since cats often shed their thicker winter coat in winter, regular cleaning is especially important.
  • Material protection and durability: With intensive use, it helps to occasionally check the scratch surfaces and refresh them with spare parts if the model allows it.
  • Regularly fluff cuddle areas: Hollows and resting areas can be made cozier with soft cushions or blankets. These can be fluffed up or replaced from time to time to increase comfort for the cat.

5. Scratching post tips for the cold season: What can be added to the scratching post?

  • Additional cuddly blankets: Small blankets or cushions can be placed on the lying surfaces to make it even cozier.
  • Catnip for added incentive: A touch of catnip can make the scratching post even more appealing to the cat, especially if she is a bit hesitant at first.
  • Safety Precautions: Ensure that the scratching post is stable and has no loose parts that could not withstand intensive winter use.

6. Summary

  • A scratching post is especially important in winter to provide the cat with activity, exercise, and a warm retreat.
  • When buying, pay attention to soft materials, stable construction, and versatile retraction options.
  • Regular cleaning and upgrading with new play options keeps the scratching post interesting and in good condition.


A scratching post is therefore not just a piece of furniture, but also a valuable retreat and play area that makes a difference, especially in winter, and ensures a happy and balanced cat.

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