
Everything about scratching barrels: A paradise for your cat

Posted by XXOO Pets Family on

Scratching barrels are a versatile and practical piece of furniture for cat lovers who want to provide their indoor tigers with an exciting way to scratch, play, and rest. They combine functionality with stylish design and are available in various designs to meet the individual needs of your cat. Below, we present the most popular types of scratching barrels.

1. Scratching post with integrated scratching tree

This variant combines the advantages of a classic scratching barrel with the exciting elements of a scratching post. In addition to a sturdy scratching column, it offers additional platforms and lounging areas that your cat can use for climbing and relaxing. Ideal for cats that love to reach new heights!

2. Scratching post with stairs

"For older or less agile cats, the scratching barrel with stairs is a perfect choice. The integrated stairs make it easier to access the upper levels of the barrel and make it particularly user-friendly. This variant offers comfort without sacrificing play and scratching opportunities."

3. Scratching barrel with hammock

A real highlight is the scratching barrel with an integrated hammock. This variant invites relaxed dozing while providing enough space for scratching. The hammock swings gently and conveys a sense of security – perfect for cats that love to relax in a cozy nest.

4. Scratching post for large cats

Large cat breeds like Maine Coons or Norwegian Forest Cats require more space and stability. Scratching posts for large cats are specifically designed for their needs. They are characterized by a particularly robust construction, larger resting areas, and wider openings to provide safe comfort for heavier cats.

5. Scratch barrel without plush

Minimalistic yet functional – scratch barrels without plush are perfect for cat owners who prefer a modern and simple design. These models are often made from natural materials like sisal and wood, making them durable and environmentally friendly. They are also particularly easy to care for, as they have no fabric covers that could get dirty.


"Whether your cat is an acrobat, a relaxation lover, or an experienced scratching pro – there is a suitable scratching barrel for every need. Choose the variant that best fits your cat's preferences and your interior style. A well-chosen scratching barrel will not only enhance your cat's well-being but also protect your furniture from their claws."

Does your cat already have a favorite scratching post? Share your experiences with us!


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