Zecken bei Hunde

Ticks in Dogs: How to Properly Protect Your Four-Legged Friend

Posted by XXOO Pets Family on

Ticks are not only annoying, but they can also be dangerous for dogs. Especially in the warm season, from spring to autumn, it is tick season. Here we answer the most important questions about ticks in dogs – and show you how to effectively protect your dog.

How dangerous are ticks for dogs?

Ticks can transmit pathogens while feeding on blood, including Lyme disease, anaplasmosis, or tick-borne encephalitis (TBE). Not every tick is infected, but the risk is present. Therefore, caution is better than regret.

What should I do if my dog has a tick?

Remove the tick as quickly as possible using a tick removal tool or tick card. Position the tool close to the skin and pull the tick out slowly and evenly. Important: Do not twist or squeeze. Afterwards, disinfect the area.

How quickly should a tick be removed from a dog?

"The faster, the better. Many pathogens are only transmitted after several hours. Ideally, you should remove the tick within 12 to 24 hours."

What happens if ticks are not removed from dogs?

The tick will fall off on its own after a few days, but can transmit pathogens until then. Additionally, the bite site can become inflamed or lead to itching. In rare cases, allergic reactions may also occur.

How should my dog behave after a tick bite?

"In general, your dog shows no change. However, observe him for a few days. If you notice symptoms such as fever, lameness, loss of appetite, or lethargy, contact a veterinarian."

What kills ticks on dogs?

There are various means:

  • Spot-on preparations

  • Tick collars

  • Tablets from the veterinarian

  • Natural remedies like coconut oil or amber necklaces (are less effective)

What kills ticks?

"After removal, you should safely dispose of the tick. Place it in a glass with alcohol, freeze it, or crush it with a tissue and dispose of it safely. Never flush it down the toilet – they often survive that!"

Can a tick transfer from a dog to a human?

Yes, ticks can transfer from the dog to humans, especially when they have not yet fed. Therefore, it is important to check the dog after every walk.

When does a tick fall off by itself?

"When it has become fully engorged, it will fall off on its own after about 3 to 7 days. But you shouldn't wait that long – the risk of infection increases with the duration of sucking."

Should one go to the veterinarian after a tick bite?

"Not always, but in cases of uncertainty or noticeable symptoms (e.g., inflammation, fever, behavioral changes), a visit to the veterinarian is advisable. It's better to have it checked too often than to overlook an infection."

Conclusion: Ticks in dogs are a serious issue, but with the right precautions and quick action, you can protect your four-legged friend well. Check your dog regularly, use appropriate tick prevention products, and stay vigilant – this way, your dog will stay healthy throughout tick season.

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