XXOO Pets Family

Why neuter a dog? A comprehensive guide

Posted by XXOO Pets Family on

The neutering of a dog is an important decision that many pet owners make. It has far-reaching effects on the health, behavior, and well-being of the animal. In this comprehensive guide, we shed light on the various aspects of neutering and provide detailed information to help you make an informed decision.

1. Health benefits of castration

1.1 Reduction of the risk of tumors:

  • Bitches: Castration significantly reduces the risk of uterine cancer and ovarian cancer. These tumors can cause serious health problems and are often only diagnosable in advanced stages.
  • Males: In male dogs, neutering reduces the risk of prostate cancer and testicular cancer. Prostate problems can also lead to significant health complications.

1.2 Prevention of Sexually Transmitted Diseases:

  • Castration prevents diseases such as pyometra (a dangerous infection of the uterus in female dogs) and prostatitis (inflammation of the prostate in male dogs).

1.3 Prevention of Overpopulation:

  • The neutering helps to prevent unwanted reproduction and contributes to controlling the animal population, which can improve the lives of stray and homeless animals.

2. Behavioral changes after neutering

2.1 Reduction of aggression and dominance behavior:

  • Neutered dogs often show less aggressive behaviors towards other animals and people, which facilitates interaction and cohabitation.

2.2 Reduction of marking behavior:

  • In male dogs, neutering can help reduce urine marking as a territorial behavior, which is beneficial in households with multiple animals.

2.3 Reduction of straying and escape behavior:

  • Neutered dogs tend to have less of a desire to seek out partners and are less likely to run away, which increases the safety of the animal.

3. Castration and weight control

3.1 Risk of weight gain:

  • After neutering, dogs tend to gain weight as their metabolism often slows down and their appetite increases. Adjusting their diet and regular exercise are important to avoid obesity.

3.2 Adjustment of Feeding:

  • Adjusting the feeding routine and selecting a special diet food can help control your dog's weight after neutering.

4. The surgical procedure: What to expect

4.1 Preparation of the dog:

  • A thorough examination before the surgery is necessary to ensure that the dog is healthy enough for anesthesia. The dog should be brought to the surgery on an empty stomach.

4.2 Procedure of the operation:

  • The castration is performed under general anesthesia. The surgical procedure usually does not take long and is mostly done on an outpatient basis.

4.3 Aftercare and Healing Process:

  • After the operation, a recovery phase is necessary. This includes rest periods, wound care, and preventing licking or biting at the wound. Regular follow-up visits to the veterinarian are important.

5. Costs of neutering

5.1 Average Costs:

  • The costs for neutering can vary depending on the veterinary practice, region, and size of the dog. In general, the costs range from 100 to 300 euros. This usually includes the surgery, anesthesia, and aftercare.

5.2 Additional Costs:

  • Additional costs may arise for preliminary examinations, pain management medications, and follow-up checks. It is advisable to obtain a cost estimate from the veterinary practice in advance.

6. Preparation for Castration

6.1 Health check and consultation:

  • Before the neutering, a complete health check should be carried out. Discuss any questions and concerns with your veterinarian to ensure that your dog is ready for the surgery.

6.2 Preparation of the Home:

  • Set up a quiet and comfortable recovery area for your dog to support healing. Avoid allowing the dog to lick or bite at the surgical wound.

7. Alternatives to castration

7.1 Contraceptive options for dogs:

  • There are alternative methods of contraception, such as hormonal contraceptives or surgical procedures like sterilization. These options should be discussed with your veterinarian to find the best solution for your dog.

7.2 Dogs that are not neutered:

  • In certain dogs or for specific reasons, neutering may not be recommended. This includes, for example, dogs with health problems or those intended for breeding. The decision should be made in consultation with the veterinarian.

8. Myths and Misunderstandings about Castration

8.1 Common Misunderstandings:

  • There are many myths about neutering, such as that it could "change" or "weaken" the dog. However, scientific studies show that neutering generally has positive health and behavioral effects.

8.2 Information and Facts:

  • Learn about the actual effects and benefits of neutering to make informed decisions and clear up any misunderstandings.


Neutering a dog can be a beneficial decision for the health and behavior of the animal. By reducing the risk of certain diseases, improving behavior, and helping to control the pet population, neutering makes a valuable contribution. It is important to thoroughly inform yourself about the procedure, the associated costs, and the possible effects on your dog's behavior. An open conversation with your veterinarian can help you make the best decision for your pet.

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