XXOO Pets Family

What type of cat are you? Find out which cat matches your character!

Posted by XXOO Pets Family on

Cats are much more than just pets – they are personalities with quirks and character traits that make them unique. Just like humans, cats also have certain traits that vary in intensity depending on the breed. In this blog article, we will help you find the perfect cat for you by introducing you to different cat types and relating them to human personality traits and the MBTI (Myers-Briggs Type Indicator). In the end, you can find out which cat suits you best!


1. Cats and Personalities: An Overview

Before we look at the different types of cats, it is helpful to understand the basics of various cat breeds. Some cats are calm and reserved, while others are adventurous and active. Just like with people, there are cats that enjoy retreating, while others love to be the center of attention.


2. The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI): What does it say about you?

The MBTI is a popular personality test based on four dichotomies:

  • Extraversion (E) vs. Introversion (I)
  • Sensory perception (S) vs. Intuition (N)
  • Thinking (T) vs. Feeling (F)
  • Judging (J) vs. Perceiving (P)

These combinations result in 16 different personality types that provide a foundation for better understanding your character – and finding out which cat suits you best.


3. Which cat breed matches which MBTI type?

Now that you know your MBTI type, let's see which cat breed suits you best:

a) INFJ – The Russian Blue Cat

  • Character traits: Mysterious, profound, loyal
  • Why it suits you: As an INFJ, you are a deep thinker with a tendency towards intuition and emotion. The Russian Blue cat, known for its reserve and loyalty, is a perfect match for you. It is calm but loves to be in a close relationship with its owner.

b) ENFP – The Siamese Cat

  • Character traits: Energetic, communicative, curious
  • Why it suits you: ENFPs are adventurous and love trying new things. Siamese cats are similar: they are curious, talkative, and very playful. This cat will reflect your energy and enthusiasm and keep you company.

c) ISTJ – The British Shorthair

  • Character traits: Reliable, structured, responsible
  • Why it suits you: The British Shorthair is an independent, calm, and reliable cat that prefers an orderly life. It is perfect for ISTJs who value structure and reliability.

d) ESFP – The Maine Coon

  • Character traits: Sociable, cheerful, entertaining
  • Why it suits you: As an ESFP, you love life to the fullest and enjoy the company of others. The Maine Coon is a friendly, social cat that loves to play and feels comfortable in a lively environment – just like you!


4. Other aspects that are important when choosing a cat

In addition to personality, there are other factors that should play a role in selecting a cat. These include:

  • Living situation: Do you have enough space for an active cat, or would a calmer cat be better suited?
  • Time: How much time can you spend daily with your cat? Some cat breeds are very affectionate and require a lot of attention.
  • Allergies: Are you allergic to cats? Then a hypoallergenic breed like the Sphynx cat might be the right choice for you.


5. Conclusion: Find the cat that fits your life

Choosing the right cat is an important decision that should be well thought out. Your MBTI type can help you find a cat that matches your lifestyle and personality. Whether you are a calm thinker or a lively adventurer, there is always a cat that is perfect for you.

Test yourself: What type of cat are you? Check out the different MBTI types and find out which cat suits you best!

Share your result with us in the comments! Which cat type are you and which cat might you soon welcome into your home? 🐾

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