
The right nutrition for cats: What should cats eat?

Posted by XXOO Pets Family on

The diet of a cat plays a crucial role in its health and well-being. But which types of food are really healthy? Should you give wet or dry food? And can you cook cat food yourself? In this article, you will learn everything important about the right nutrition for your cat.

1. What is the right diet for cats?

Cats are carnivores and require a protein-rich diet with a high meat content. A balanced cat diet should include:

  • High-quality protein from meat or fish

  • Healthy fats as an energy source

  • Vitamins and minerals, especially taurine (essential for cats)

  • Moisture to support the kidneys

2. What are cats allowed to eat?

Cats are allowed to eat various foods as long as they are healthy for them. Suitable foods are:

  • High-quality cat food (wet or dry food)

  • Fresh, cooked, or raw meat (e.g., chicken, beef, lamb)

  • Cooked fish (without bones and without spices)

  • Eggs in moderation (cooked, not raw)

  • Cat milk (not cow's milk, as many cats are lactose intolerant)

What cats should not eat:

  • Chocolate and caffeine (toxic to cats)

  • Onions, garlic, and leek vegetables

  • Raw pork (due to the Aujeszky virus)

  • Spiced or salted dishes

  • Avocado, grapes, and raisins

  • Dairy products with lactose (may cause digestive problems)

3. Can you cook cat food yourself?

Yes, you can prepare cat food yourself, but you must ensure that all essential nutrients are included. It is important:

  • A high meat content (at least 70 %)

  • Taurine supplement, as cats cannot produce it sufficiently on their own.

  • No salt, sugar, or spices

  • Cooked ingredients to avoid infections

Homemade food can be a healthy alternative, but it requires precise balancing of nutrients. Those who want to be on the safe side should consult a veterinarian or a cat nutritionist.

4. Should you give cats dry food?

Dry food has advantages and disadvantages. It is practical, long-lasting, and can be good for dental cleaning. However, it often contains little moisture, which can lead to kidney problems.

5. Is it bad if a cat only eats dry food?

Yes, if the cat only eats dry food, it can lead to health problems in the long term, especially to:

  • Dehydration and kidney problems

  • urinary tract diseases

  • Weight gain from too many carbohydrates

6. Which dry food is best for cats?

The best dry food for cats has a high meat content (at least 60%), little to no grain ingredients, and no artificial additives. High-quality brands often contain fresh meat and valuable fatty acids.

7. What is better for cats: wet food or dry food?

Wet food is generally the better choice because it:

  • Contains more moisture and thus supports the kidneys

  • Better proteins and fats offers

  • More natural than dry food

A combination of both can also be sensible, as long as the cat takes in enough fluid.

8. What is good wet food for cats?

High-quality wet food should contain:

  • High meat content (at least 70 %)

  • Free from sugar, grains, and artificial additives

  • Rich in taurine and omega-3 fatty acids

9. How much wet food should a cat eat?

The amount of wet food depends on the weight and activity of the cat. A rule of thumb:

  • Adult cats: 200-300 g wet food per day, divided into 2-3 meals

  • Young Cats & Kittens: Often require more energy and should receive 4-5 meals.

  • Senior cats: Must be fed individually depending on health status.


A healthy cat diet is essential for a long and healthy life. Wet food is generally better than dry food, and those who want to cook for their cats should ensure that all necessary nutrients are included. It is also important that the cat drinks enough and that its food is tailored to its individual needs. This way, it stays healthy and vital!

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