Katzenspielzeug selber machen – Kreative DIY-Ideen für deine Katze

Make Cat Toys Yourself – Creative DIY Ideas for Your Cat

Posted by XXOO Pets Family on

Cats love to play, hunt, and hide. However, often purchased toys are not only expensive but also contain materials that are not optimal for cats. So why not get creative yourself and Make your own cat toys? Here are some simple yet exciting DIY ideas that your cat will love!

1. Make your own cat toy with feathers


  • Natural feathers (from pet supply stores or craft shops)

  • A wooden stick (e.g. a chopstick or a dowel)

  • A string (non-toxic, e.g. cotton yarn or jute thread)

  • Hot glue or knots for fastening

Here's how:

  1. Cut the cord to a length of about 50–70 cm.

  2. Attach the springs to the end of the string – either with hot glue or by tying a knot.

  3. Bind or stick the other end of the string to the wooden stick.

  4. Swing the toy through the air – your cat will love chasing after the feathers!

Extra tip: Use natural feathers, to ensure that no harmful dyes or chemicals are included.

2. Crafting Cat Toys from Cardboard – A Hideout and Play Paradise


  • A sturdy cardboard box (e.g. an old shoe box or shipping box)

  • Scissors or cutter (Attention: use carefully!)

  • Tape or hot glue

  • Possibly colorful fabric scraps or non-toxic paints for decoration

Here's how:

  1. Cut several holes in the cardboard – large enough for your cat to stick its paw through.

  2. Cut a entrance door into one side of the box so that your cat can crawl in.

  3. "If desired, you can glue in fabric scraps or use non-toxic colors to beautify the hiding place."

  4. Place a blanket or a small pillow inside – the DIY cat house is ready!

Extra tip: Combine several boxes and build one. small labyrinth with tunnels – perfect for curious cats!

3. Foil Ball – The Simple Classic


  • A small piece food-safe aluminum foil

Here's how:

  1. Crumple the aluminum foil into a small ball.

  2. Make sure that no sharp edges are created.

  3. Roll the ball to your cat – she will joyfully chase and kick it around!

Danger: "Some cats might try to nibble on the foil. If your indoor tiger tends to do this, it's better to use a ball made of felt or fabric."

4. Scented play pillow with catnip


  • A small piece of cotton fabric (e.g. from an old T-shirt or dish towel)

  • Needle and thread or a hot glue gun

  • Dried catnip (available in pet stores or online)

  • Cotton or fabric scraps as filling material

Here's how:

  1. Cut out two equally sized pieces of fabric in any shape (e.g. heart, rectangle, or fish shape).

  2. Lay the fabric pieces on top of each other and sew them together at the edges – leave one side open.

  3. Fill the pillow with catnip and some cotton or fabric scraps.

  4. Seal the opening – the fragrant cat toy is ready!

Extra tip: If you don't want to sew, you can also take an old baby sock, fill it with catnip, and tie it off at the end with a knot.

What materials are safe for cats?

Not all materials are suitable for cats. Here are some safe materials: ✅ Natural fibers like cotton, jute, or felt
Wood and natural feathers (undyed, untreated)
Food-safe aluminum foil (only under supervision!)
Untreated cardboard and paper

🚫 Warning about: ❌ Plastic with small, swallowable parts
❌ Cords or ribbons that could wrap around the neck
❌ Colors or adhesives with harmful chemicals

Where can you buy safe materials?

  • Zoofachhandel (Natural feathers, catnip, non-toxic toy elements)

  • craft stores (Felt, cotton fabrics, wooden sticks)

  • Supermarkets or online shops (jute thread, non-toxic colors, aluminum foil)

  • Reuse of old fabrics & boxes (Sustainable Alternative!)

Conclusion: Fun with DIY Cat Toys

Making cat toys yourself is not only a great way to be creative, but also a sustainable alternative to purchased products. Additionally, you can ensure that only non-toxic materials be used and your cat has a safe and exciting play experience. Have fun crafting! 🐱✨

Have you already made cat toys yourself? Feel free to share your ideas in the comments! 😊


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